Communication Improvements 12-1-17

A morning of AMAZING communication –
I explained to Tyler, no bus today, Mrs. King will be bringing him to the ARD meeting and he will ride home with me. Tyler asked me: “Can you please say that again?” EXCELLENT WORDS for a child who has extreme difficulty with verbal processing

We arrive at school and are sitting in the parking lot and before I could give him a reminder.

Tyler: “So today, no bus for Tyler, meeting with Mom and Mrs. King” (still working on trying to break the 3 person communication but grateful for the communication)

Me: “That is correct, no bus for you, you will come to the meeting with me, Mrs. King and other people and I will take you home today”

Tyler: “Ok, I think I have it”

I walk him up to the drop off and we are hanging out as the students are unloading from the buses, etc and I notice a new girl.

Tyler: “Hey mom, that is Zina”

Me: “Zina?”

Tyler: “Yes, Zina, would you like to meet her?”

Me: “Of course I would”

Tyler and I walk towards Zina…..

Tyler: “Mom, this Zina and Zina, this is my mom Cathy”

Zina and I shook hands and exchanged greetings.

I was SHOCK and looked at one of the bus people and grinned.

BTW – Tyler is displaying a sense of humor.

Mrs. Penny is one of the bus people and Tyler NORMALLY says, Penny like a coin or will say like 1 cent. Today Tyler told her “Good morning Mrs. Coin” I chuckled, she chuckled, he’s in rare form today!

Thank you Young Living for the progress!!!

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